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State Respite Care Program
A reimbursement program for those caring for someone with Alzheimer's or related dementia.
What does this program cover?
Allows family caregivers to submit up to $5,303 in respite expenses per fiscal year. Depending on eligibility some could qualify for a co-pay waiver.
Can help with the cost of temporary overnight care at an assisted living or nursing facility
Can reimburse for home modifications needed to promote independent living up to $2,000
Can reimburse for assistive devices and technology including generators, shower grab bars, iPads, doorbell cameras, medical alert systems, wheelchairs, electric lift recliners, and new this year to the program, stand-alone air conditioners
Do you qualify?
Are you an unpaid caregiver providing care to an individual 60 years of age or older with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia?
Care recipients' liquid assets (bank accounts, CD's, money market accounts, IRA, etc.) do not exceed $50,000 for one person, or $75,000 for a couple. Home, land, or vehicles are not included in liquid assets.
Must not be receiving assistance from other state-subsidized programs

Contact our Family Caregiver Specialists today to see if you qualify!
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