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Leaders in the Aging and Disability Community

As one of the leaders in the aging community, it is our mission to provide life-long learning, health, wellness, nutrition, community engagement and the social well-being of all older and disabled adults in our communities.

Welcome to
Spectrum Generations

Spectrum Generations, the Central Maine Area Agency on Aging and Aging and Disability Resource Center, has been a leading provider of information and advice, referrals, programs and activities for over half a century. Today, Spectrum Generations with Bridges Home Services and Healthy Living for ME, is poised to serve adults of all ages and backgrounds in a changing, challenging world. We are here for you as you look forward to longer, more active lives and seek to engage in new physical and intellectual challenges. 

Our Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter to learn more about what we've been up to in the community!

Wicked Aging

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The summer edition of Wicked Aging is now available.  Find out the latest happenings at Spectrum Generations and read stories that will touch your heart.

Join Our Team

Join our team and contribute to our mission. Explore our open positions and take the first step towards a rewarding career.

Couple with Dog


Services to Enhance the Quality of Life of Older Adults

Spectrum Generations, the Central Maine Area Agency on Aging and Aging and Disability Resource Center.



Home and Community Based Services

Services provided by Spectrum Generations and Bridges Home Services.


For older, cognitively impaired, and disabled adults:


For Intellectually or developmentally disabled adults:

Using Laptop at Home


Healthy Living for ME

Spectrum Generations connects people, organizations, businesses, and our partners to the Community Care Hub.


Community Care Hub

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Spectrum Generations
Spectrum Generations Logo


Why Choose Spectrum Generations?

Spectrum Generations, the Central Maine Area Agency on Aging and Aging and Disability Resource Center, has been a leading provider of information and advice, referrals, programs and activities for adults for over 50 years. 

*Numbers reflect services delivered between 10/1/23 – 9/30/24 (FY24)


Meals Prepared and Served

Through Social Dining at our thriving Cohen Community Center (Hallowell) and Muskie Community Center (Waterville), a total of 2,176 older adults were supported.


Meals on Wheels Prepared

These nutritionally balanced meals, expertly created by our chefs, are delivered throughout our service area by incredible teams of generous, committed volunteers.


People Received Caregiver Support

These services include respite, education, training and counseling to support care-partners in their important and often difficult role.

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Get Involved Today!

MOTIVATE at Home Program

MOTIVATE stands for Maine’s Oral Team Based Initiative: Vital access to education. This free program reaches a new audience of caregivers/care partners of older adults that reside at home. The content of this program was modified from a similar, existing evidence-based program for the health care team in nursing homes. The results of that program are now published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry.


The MOTIVATE at Home program provides free education, information, and tips. The program teaches older adults, caregivers, and health care professionals the importance of oral health and what their role can be for promoting oral health for their older adult living at home, even if they don’t provide hands on care. Older adults have unique needs that put them at greater risk and oral health is overlooked.


This program was funded by the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health.


The majority of the program is available online offering 24/7 access to education in the form of videos, tip sheets, audio recordings and oral health resources and tip sheets. The program also includes a quarterly live, zoom series titled Ask the Dental Expert which provides learners with face-to-face time with dental experts.  â€‹

About Us

Interested in learning more about our services?

Check out this series of short videos that further explain our services and their impact on our community!

Bridges Personal Support Services
Family Caregiver Support
Meals on Wheels

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